Our Strategic Intentions document sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.
As New Zealand’s Chief Ombudsman, I give effect to a number of key democratic and human rights measures aimed at safeguarding the rights of individuals and promoting government accountability and transparency.
I am appointed by Parliament to carry out activities balanced between:
- a reactive focus on resolving complaints from the public about government administrative conduct and access to official information; and
- a proactive focus on identifying, resolving and investigating systemic issues, monitoring compliance and good practice, and providing advice, guidance and training.
Over the next four years I will maintain and strive to continually improve my existing practices in the areas of complaints handling, intervention in systemic issues and provision of advice. I will also continue to expand my proactive activities in a principled and effective manner.
I have been tasked with growing my role in the area of monitoring the treatment of people in detention, in particular those in aged care in the private sector, as well as increasing my activities in a four-year programme to support fellow integrity institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. I will also be building focused oversight of complaints handling and systemic investigation of those agencies involved with supporting children in care, in particular Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children. I intend to grow these expanded functions, which will require additional resource and adapted methodology, in a planned and staged way over the next four years.