What the Ombudsman does
The Ombudsman handles complaints about and investigates the administrative conduct of public sector agencies, including official information requests.
They also carry out a range of roles that contribute to protecting your rights, such as inspecting places of detention, and monitoring the way the UN Disabilities Convention is applied in New Zealand.
They provide advice, guidance and training to public sector agencies, and promote awareness of their role to the wider community.
Outside of New Zealand, they work across the Asia Pacific region to help develop international best practice.
What the Ombudsman can do - in two minutes
Protecting your rights
The Ombudsman doesn't just investigate complaints. They have a range of other roles that contribute to protecting your rights and ensuring that you're being treated fairly.
Serious wrongdoing at work (whistleblowing)
Monitoring places of detention
Fair treatment for disabled people
Improve fairness for all
The Ombudsman provides advice and guidance, offers training to public sector agencies, conducts outreach activities and speaking engagements.
International best practice
The Ombudsman provides support to international counterparts through training, advice and resource development.
New Zealand Ombudsmen have held key leadership roles in the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI).
Read about how the Ombudsman collaborates with international counterparts
The powers and functions of the Ombudsman are contained in six main pieces of legislation.