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News article

The Chief Ombudsman’s accessibility strategy: Towards a clear vision

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The Accessibility Strategy and its action plan is a part of Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier’s clear vision in making sure the Ombudsman’s office is inclusive to all, in all facets of his work.

The Ombudsman has a commitment to meet responsibilities under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, not only as a member of the Independent Monitoring Mechanism (the group that monitors this convention), but as an organisation.

The intended outcomes are for disabled people to engage with, and be employed by, the Ombudsman on an equitable basis with others.

A supporting video features Te Rōpū Kaiārahi Hauātanga member Mary Schnackenberg’s thoughts on the importance of this work to disabled people.

Watch the video here

“The Ombudsman’s strategy about accessibility is to help everyone to get the best out of Ombudsman’s Office that we can.”

The strategy helps to formalise and enhance the Ombudsman’s commitment to accessibility as this has been an area of focussed growth the past few years as more knowledge is gathered in this space.

Disabled people have the right to a barrier free access to our organisation and this echoes the Ombudsman’s commitment to provide fairness for all.

Read the Chief Ombudsman's Accessibility Strategy and Action Plan

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