Our Strategic Intentions document sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.
I am appointed by Parliament as New Zealand’s Chief Ombudsman to give effect to a number of key democratic and human rights measures aimed at safeguarding the rights of individuals and promoting government accountability and transparency.
I am empowered/required to investigate, review and inspect administrative conduct and provide advice and guidance to ensure people are treated fairly.
The activities I carry out are balanced between:
a reactive focus on resolving complaints from the public about government administrative conduct and access to official information; and
a proactive focus on identifying, resolving and investigating systemic issues, monitoring compliance and good practice, and providing advice, guidance and training.
This year, I have reviewed my outcomes framework to better capture the linkages between the functions I currently have responsibility to carry out, and the outcomes and impacts these ought to achieve. As a result, I have significantly refreshed my Strategic Intentions document for 2018-22.
The next four years will continue to be a period of growth and change. I will work with my staff to consolidate the greater efficiencies I have gained in my complaint handling work, while continuing to expand my proactive activities in a principled and effective manner, in accordance with the trust that Parliament has placed in me.