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Report on an announced follow up inspection of Ward 9A, Wakari Hospital, Dunedin

Peter Boshier
Issue date:


Ombudsmen are designated as one of the National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) under the Crimes of Torture Act 1989 (COTA), with responsibility for examining and monitoring the conditions and treatment of patients detained in secure units within New Zealand hospitals.

My role is to form an independent opinion as to the conditions and treatment in these places, report my observations and if necessary make recommendations for improvement.

From 27 to 30 September 2022, two Inspectors - whom I have authorised to carry out visits to places of detention under COTA on my behalf - made an announced four-day inspection to Ward 9A at Wakari Hospital, Dunedin to follow up on recommendations made when I inspected in 2019. Therefore, the inspection is referred to as a ‘follow up inspection’. 

The follow up inspection focussed on progress in implementing the recommendations I made  as a result of my 2019 inspection, and whether I consider these recommendations to have been achieved or not.


Ward 9A is a 15-bed, medium secure regional forensic inpatient service for tāngata whai ora[1] between the ages of 17 and 65 in Otago and Southland. At the time of the inspection, the Ward could accommodate a maximum of 11 tāngata whai ora, due to staffing levels and the acuity of tāngata whai ora.

My 2019 inspection resulted in my making 13 recommendations. The DHB accepted eight of those recommendations, partially accepted three, and rejected two recommendations.

As a result of my 2022 follow up inspection, I consider that four of the recommendations were achieved, two were progressing but not yet achieved, and seven were not achieved.

On the basis of my follow up inspection, I make eight recommendations. These are generally amended repeat recommendations from my 2019 inspection.

Feedback process

Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health received a copy of my provisional report and were invited to comment. I received responses from Te Whatu Ora Southern and the Ministry of Health and I have considered their feedback when preparing my final report.

Throughout this report, there are references to the DHB, as the responsible body at the time of the original inspection in 2019. However, where appropriate, recommendations are made to Te Whatu Ora, as the responsible agency at the time of the follow up inspection.


[1] A person who uses mental health and addiction services. This term is often used interchangeably with consumer or client. Return to text

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