Report on an announced follow up inspection of Te Whetu Tawera – Auckland City Hospital
Ombudsmen are designated as one of the National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) under the Crimes of Torture Act 1989 (COTA), with responsibility for examining and monitoring the conditions and treatment of patients detained in secure units within New Zealand hospitals.
My role is to form an independent opinion as to the conditions and treatment in these places, report my observations and if necessary make recommendations for improvement.
From 23 to 25 August 2022, two Inspectors – whom I have authorised to carry out visits to places of detention under the COTA on my behalf – made an announced three-day inspection to Te Whetu Tawera Adult Acute Mental Health Unit (the Unit) at Auckland City Hospital.
This follow up inspection focussed on monitoring progress in implementing the recommendations I made following my 2019 inspection, and whether I consider those recommendations to have been achieved or not. This follow up inspection in 2022 was undertaken when all of Aotearoa New Zealand was at the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light) orange setting.
The Unit provides assessment, treatment and care for people aged 18 and over who are experiencing overwhelming mental distress, which requires a period of acute hospital care.[1] The Unit is located in the grounds of Auckland City Hospital. At the time of the inspection, the Unit was made up of three wards, and was funded to provide a total of 58 beds. There were 62 beds on the Unit.
My November 2019 inspection resulted in me making 15 recommendations. The DHB accepted three of those recommendations, partially accepted eight, and rejected four recommendations.
As a result of my 2022 follow up inspection, I consider that seven of the recommendations were achieved, three were progressing but not yet achieved, and five were not achieved.
On the basis of my 2022 follow up inspection, I make eight recommendations. These are generally amended repeat recommendations from my 2019 inspection.
Feedback on my provisional report
At the time of my follow up inspection, the Unit was under the management of Te Toka Tumai Auckland, formerly Auckland District Health Board (DHB). However, where appropriate, recommendations are made to Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora, as the responsible agency at the time of the follow up inspection.
Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health received a copy of my provisional report and were invited to comment. I received responses from the Ministry of Health and Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora and I have considered their feedback when preparing my final report.
[1] Sourced from 'Te Whetu Tāwera - Information for Family, Whānau and Friends', June 2017. Return to text