Ombudsman and Independent Police Conduct Authority release expectations for treatment of people detained in court facilities
The Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier, and the Chair of the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA), Judge Kenneth Johnston KC, have published a document setting out their expectations for the conditions and treatment of people detained in court facilities.
Read the expectations document
The OPCAT Expectations for court facilities sets out their six overarching expectations, encompassing:
- Leadership and culture
- Safe custody
- Dignity and respect
- Environment
- Care and treatment
- Staffing and quality improvement
These expectations are intended to provide people detained in court facilities, their whānau, any person or agency involved with court facilities, Parliament and the public with an understanding of some of the matters that IPCA and the Chief Ombudsman consider when examining court facilities. They will also guide staff from the Ombudsman and IPCA when they are carrying out visits and inspections as part of their monitoring programmes.
Note: This is the first version of the OPCAT Expectations for court facilities and will be updated over time. The Chief Ombudsman and the IPCA welcome feedback on this document, understanding that best practice is continually evolving.