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News article

A new child-friendly section of our website is now live

Issue date:

Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier says the aim of this new section is to provide information to tamariki, rangatahi and whānau who may be considering making a complaint about Oranga Tamariki or its care or custody providers.

Go to the new section for children in care

The simple and approachable web address for this section is

“This section has been created using research developed with care-experienced children and others. They have helped  guide the design to best support tamariki and rangatahi to feel safe and welcome,” Mr Boshier says.

“My main message is you can talk to my staff if you are having a problem."

The development of the information for children is part of a wider programme to enhance the Ombudsman’s oversight of Oranga Tamariki. Mr Boshier set up this programme in 2019, focused on researching what people need from the Ombudsman, engaging with those in the Oranga Tamariki system, creating information resources, and developing enhanced monitoring of significant and systemic issues and complaints handling.

“Complaints have grown year on year, and my investigators have done excellent work dealing with many challenging and confronting issues over the past four years. In fact, more than 2,000 of them since 1 July 2019.”

“In May this year, the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki Act came into force. This gave me enhanced powers to investigate complaints and deal with systemic issues relating to the care of children.”

Mr Boshier says he knows from his outreach work that more and more people are becoming aware of his role.

“I am expecting complaints in this area to continue to increase. I want to make sure I have sufficient investigators available at any one time to respond quickly.”

Mr Boshier says his investigators currently working in this area will be supported over time by more staff across the wider organisation.

“I am very aware I gave a commitment to parliament that I would put the time, effort and resources into investigating and resolving children in care issues. I really feel this is now best achieved by increasing the capacity of my wider investigative team.”

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