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Chief Ombudsman publishes updated International Development and Engagement Strategy

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The Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier today published the updated version of his International Development and Engagement Strategy. 

This builds from the first IDE strategy that covered from July 2020 to December 2023. 

The updated strategy guides the international work of the Chief Ombudsman from January 2024 to June 2026. 

The primary goal of the updated strategy is that ‘New Zealand contributes to regional stability and supports integrity institutions’. The Ombudsman will achieve this by delivering activities across the following three areas:

  • Deliver advice, support, and learning; 
  • Lead and support international networks; and
  • Learn from international connections and feed these back into the work of the New Zealand Ombudsman as part of its continuous improvement programme.

These activities will contribute to the following intended outcomes:

  • Improved capability of Indo-Pacific and Pacific Ombudsman and integrity institutions;
  • Strengthened integrity of international Ombudsmanship; and
  • The New Zealand Ombudsman learns from international connections and its own practices reflect international best practice accordingly.

The Ombudsman’s international work contributes to New Zealand’s interests in a rules based international system, regional stability, and the promotion and safeguarding of democratic values and norms. The work draws on the New Zealand Ombudsman’s mana and history as the longest standing Ombudsman institution outside Scandinavia, and on the office’s reputation as an exemplar of international best practice. It also builds on the office’s history as a reputable provider of learning, advice and guidance for overseas Ombudsmen spanning multiple decades.

Read the International Development and Engagement Strategy (January 2024 – June 2026)

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