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Commonly used guides include:
- The OIA for Ministers and agencies
- The LGOIMA for local government agencies
- Making official information requests: a guide for requesters
Detailed guidance on the official information legislation and aspects of good administrative practice.
We also have guidance on disability rights and protected disclosures.
Case notes and opinions
Case notes are a short case summary, often demonstrating an aspect of a case.
An Ombudsman's Opinion is published where there is public interest in showing the full details of a case.
Reports include OPCAT, disability rights, official information practice and systemic investigation.
Contains our media releases, newsletters, pamphlets, speeches and fact sheets. Fact sheets are published in multiple language and accessible formats.
Corporate documents
This includes our annual reports and strategic intentions.
Projects, reference and data
This includes our official information complaints data, updates on investigations and other projects, and submissions by the Ombudsman.
View all projects, reference and data
Template letters and work sheets
These template letters and work sheets can be used by agencies to help respond to official information requests.
1552 Resources Show all
State Services Commission obliged to honour guarantee of work placement in public service
Case notesLeave without pay—employee guaranteed placement on return—consequences when no position foundPower Board unreasonable not to verify power-user’s explanation for unpaid invoice
Case notesDisputed electricity account—whether complainant resident at premises in questionDepartment of Internal Affairs administrative practice regarding prefix name in passports not unreasonable in the circumstances
Case notesRefusal to issue passports with names printed as requested-invasion of privacy-administrative convenienceDepartment of Labour delays processing travel claim
Case notesApprenticeship claim-delay in completing enquiry into travelling allowance—administrative checks institutedImmigration Service fails to provide adequate opportunity to comment on adverse information and failed to give clear reasons for decline decision
Case notesImmigration-residence visas—applications provisionally approved and subsequently declined—reasons for declining not given at time of provisional approval-whether decisions to decline unlawful or unreasonable—whether procedures adopted in declining applications unreasonableMinistry of Transport fails to clarify driver licence record and offers payment for expenses incurred
Case notesCosts—unreasonable decision not to reimburse expensesDepartment of Social Welfare and unfair repayment of a loan
Case notesDepartment of Social Welfare-decision to require repayment of a suspensory loan granted under the Disabled Persons Community Welfare ActImmigration Service fails to consider residence application in accordance with policy
Case notesUnreasonable decision to decline application for permanent residence Misapplication of policy following a policy changeTransit New Zealand’s contractors required to act responsibly under terms of their contract
Case notesRoading reconstruction-affecting drainage on adjacent private property—damage to property by contractor during reconstruction—liability of Transit New Zealand for contractor’s actionDepartment of Social Welfare error in employment issue
Case notesDispute over offer of employment—remedy available under Employment Contracts Act— Ombudsman exercised discretion under s 130(a) to investigate—employment offer reinstatedAnnual Report 1990/1991
Annual reportsThis Annual Report has been digitised from a printed copy.Complaint about the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ administration of the Chatham Islands developmental fishery
Case notesMinistry of Agriculture & Fisheries behaved unreasonably in allocating the total tonnage of wetfish available for the Chatham Islands developmental fishery.Annual Report 1989/1990
Annual reportsThis Annual Report has been digitised from a printed copy. Special software has been used to make the text searchable, but please be aware that it may not have accurately recognised the text in some places.School Certificate examination scripts released
Case notesThe Minister of Education and the Department of Education were asked to release marked School Certificate Examination scripts. All the requests were refused; sections 52 (3), 9 (2)(b) and 27 (1) were relied on. However, this was changed following the Ombudsman's recommendation.Towards Open Government: Supplementary Report
Danks reportOur General Report recognised that before the Government made final decisions on its recommendations certain matters would require further examination. This Supplementary Report embodies the results of that examination.Towards Open Government (Danks Report)
Danks reportThese reports by the Danks Committee on Official Information led to the enactment of the Official Information Act in 1982.