Resources and publications
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More information about the resource categories on this page
Commonly used guides include:
- The OIA for Ministers and agencies
- The LGOIMA for local government agencies
- Making official information requests: a guide for requesters
Detailed guidance on the official information legislation and aspects of good administrative practice.
We also have guidance on disability rights and protected disclosures.
Case notes and opinions
Case notes are a short case summary, often demonstrating an aspect of a case.
An Ombudsman's Opinion is published where there is public interest in showing the full details of a case.
Reports include OPCAT, disability rights, official information practice and systemic investigation.
Contains our media releases, newsletters, pamphlets, speeches and fact sheets. Fact sheets are published in multiple language and accessible formats.
Corporate documents
This includes our annual reports and strategic intentions.
Projects, reference and data
This includes our official information complaints data, updates on investigations and other projects, and submissions by the Ombudsman.
View all projects, reference and data
Template letters and work sheets
These template letters and work sheets can be used by agencies to help respond to official information requests.
68 Resources Show all
Terms of reference for Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System
Projects, reference & dataThese terms of reference set out how the Ombudsman, the Aroturuki Tamariki and Mana Mokopuna will work together to strengthen the oversight of the Oranga Tamariki system.OIA and LGOIMA complaints received between 1 January and 30 June 2024
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on Official Information Act (OIA) and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) complaints on a six-monthly basis.Submission on the Inquiry into the aged care sector’s current and future capacity to provide support services for people experiencing neurological cognitive disorders
SubmissionsThank you for the opportunity to provide a submission on this inquiry.The Independent Monitoring Mechanism (IMM) Terms of Reference
Disability rights projectsThis page contains more information about the membership of the IMM and how it operates. The IMM's Terms of Reference is also available in:Submissions of the Chief Ombudsman on the review of adult decision-making capacity law
SubmissionsThe Chief Ombudsman has made submissions for the review conducted by Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law CommissionSubmission on Education and Training Amendment Bill
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the Education and Workforce Committee on 25 July 2024.Finance and Expenditure Committee’s Inquiry into climate adaptation
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on 13 June 2024.Submission on the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill
SubmissionsOmbudsman's submission on the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill I write to you on behalf of the Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier.Expectations for the conditions and treatment of people detained in court facilities
OPCATThis document sets out the Ombudsman and IPCA’s expectations for the conditions and treatment of people detained in court facilities (detainees).Submission of the Ombudsman – Fast-track Approvals Bill
SubmissionsThe Ombudsman made a submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill, which is now available to read.Expectations for conditions and treatment of tāngata whaikaha in health and disability places of detention (intellectual disability and community secure services)
OPCATThe Ombudsman is designated to examine and monitor the treatment of persons in health and disability places of detention, including tāngata whaikaha in intellectual disability and community secure services.Expectations for conditions and treatment of residents in health and disability places of detention (aged residential care)
OPCATThe Ombudsman is designated to examine and monitor the treatment of persons in health and disability places of detention, including residents in aged residential care.OIA and LGOIMA complaints received between 1 July and 31 December 2023
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on Official Information Act (OIA) and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) complaints on a six-monthly basis.Expectations for conditions and treatment of tāngata whai ora in health and disability places of detention
OPCATAs the Chief Ombudsman, I am designated to examine and monitor the treatment of persons detained in health and disability places of detention.[1] This includes mental health services where people are unable to leave at will.Submission on current issues and good practices in prison management
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture for a thematic report on current issues and good practices in prison management.Submission on the fourth Universal Periodic Review of New Zealand
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.Accessibility Strategy and Action Plan
Disability rights projectsListen to an audio recording of the overview Watch an the overview in New Zealand Sign LanguageOIA and LGOIMA complaints received between 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA and LGOIMA complaints on a six-monthly basis.Comment on Corrections Amendment Bill
SubmissionsThe Chief Ombudsman made a submission to the Justice Committee on the Corrections Amendment Bill in August 2023.Summary of the Ombudsman's submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture
OPCATKey themes for the Committee’s consideration In the period between the Committee against Torture’s last review of New Zealand in 2015 and the present, I have conducted over 500 visits to places of detention.Submission to the 77th session of the Committee against Torture
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the United Nations Committee against Torture in July 2023. Read about the Committee against TortureExpectations for conditions and treatment of people in custody of the Department of Corrections
OPCATThe Ombudsman is designated to examine and monitor the treatment of persons in prisons, otherwise in the custody of the Ara Poutama Aotearoa – Department of Corrections (Corrections), and residences established under section 114 of the Public Safety (Public Protection Orders) Act 2014.OIA and LGOIMA complaints received 1 July - 31 December 2022
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA and LGOIMA complaints on a six-monthly basis.OIA and LGOIMA complaints received 1 Jan - 30 June 2022
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA and LGOIMA complaints on a six-monthly basis.Report on an unannounced follow up inspection of Te Whare Maiangiangi Unit, Tauranga Hospital, under the Crimes of Torture Act 1989 Primary tabs
OPCATThis report sets out my findings and recommendations concerning the conditions and treatment of people detained in Te Whare Maiangiangi Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit (the Unit), which was inspected on 16 and 17 August 2021.OIA and LGOIMA complaints July - December 2021
Complaints dataThis data lists the Minister or agency involved, the nature of the complaint, and whether the complaint came from a private individual, the media, a political party or other type of organisation.OIA and LGOIMA complaints January - June 2021
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA and LGOIMA complaints on a six-monthly basis. Complaints receivedInvestigation Terms of Reference: Ara Poutama Aotearoa – Department of Corrections – actions and/or omissions to make sustained and significant improvement to prisoner welfare and rehabilitation
InvestigationsThe Chief Ombudsman has commenced a self-initiated investigation into Ara Poutama Aotearoa – Department of Corrections.[1]OIA and LGOIMA complaints received July - December 2020
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA and LGOIMA complaints on a six-monthly basis.OIA and LGOIMA complaints January - June 2020
Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA and LGOIMA complaints on a six-monthly basis.OPCAT: Ombudsman and IPCA are visiting court facilities
OPCAT, FactsheetsOmbudsman and IPCA are visiting court facilities Update: August 2020OIA complaints received July – December 2019
Projects, reference & data, Complaints dataThe Chief Ombudsman publishes data on OIA complaints received against Ministers and agencies on a six-monthly basis.