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Commonly used guides include:
- The OIA for Ministers and agencies
- The LGOIMA for local government agencies
- Making official information requests: a guide for requesters
Detailed guidance on the official information legislation and aspects of good administrative practice.
We also have guidance on disability rights and protected disclosures.
Case notes and opinions
Case notes are a short case summary, often demonstrating an aspect of a case.
An Ombudsman's Opinion is published where there is public interest in showing the full details of a case.
Reports include OPCAT, disability rights, official information practice and systemic investigation.
Contains our media releases, newsletters, pamphlets, speeches and fact sheets. Fact sheets are published in multiple language and accessible formats.
Corporate documents
This includes our annual reports and strategic intentions.
Projects, reference and data
This includes our official information complaints data, updates on investigations and other projects, and submissions by the Ombudsman.
View all projects, reference and data
Template letters and work sheets
These template letters and work sheets can be used by agencies to help respond to official information requests.
21 Resources Show all
Submissions of the Chief Ombudsman on the review of adult decision-making capacity law
SubmissionsThe Chief Ombudsman has made submissions for the review conducted by Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law CommissionSubmission on Education and Training Amendment Bill
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the Education and Workforce Committee on 25 July 2024.Finance and Expenditure Committee’s Inquiry into climate adaptation
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on 13 June 2024.Submission on the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill
SubmissionsOmbudsman's submission on the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill I write to you on behalf of the Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier.Submission of the Ombudsman – Fast-track Approvals Bill
SubmissionsThe Ombudsman made a submission on the Fast-track Approvals Bill, which is now available to read.Submission on current issues and good practices in prison management
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture for a thematic report on current issues and good practices in prison management.Submission on the fourth Universal Periodic Review of New Zealand
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.Comment on Corrections Amendment Bill
SubmissionsThe Chief Ombudsman made a submission to the Justice Committee on the Corrections Amendment Bill in August 2023.Submission to the 77th session of the Committee against Torture
SubmissionsThis submission was made to the United Nations Committee against Torture in July 2023. Read about the Committee against TortureSubmission of the Ombudsman - OIA consultation July 2019
Projects, reference & data, SubmissionsIn March, the Ministry of Justice announced a public consultation on matters relating to the Official Information Act.Submission of the Chief Ombudsman – Protected Disclosures Act consultation
Projects, reference & data, SubmissionsThe State Services Commission held a public consultation on possible reform of the PDA in 2018. The Chief Ombudsman made a submission, which is now available to read.Submission of the Ombudsman - Education (Update) Amendment Bill 2016
SubmissionsWhile we agree that on-line learning can make an important contribution to education, we are concerned about the breadth of the proposed Communities of On-Line Learning (COOL) scheme, and in particular the apparently unrestricted ability of any stSubmission of the Ombudsman - Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate access to published works for persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled
SubmissionsThe Office of the Ombudsman strongly supports New Zealand acceding to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or otherwise Print Disabled.Submission of the Ombudsman - Small Passenger Services Sector Review
SubmissionsThe Office of the Ombudsman is concerned that the review has not given enough attention to issues of safety and disability (issues that are central to fitness and purpose), and focussed too heavily on accommodating and potentially aligning current taxiSubmission of the Ombudsman - Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Bill
SubmissionsThis submission relates to the information management requirements of clause 275B of the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Bill.Submission of the Ombudsman - Environmental Reporting Bill
SubmissionsIt is in the interests of all New Zealanders to have comprehensive and reliable information available regularly on environmental issues that affect all of us. I do however have significant concerns with one aspect of the bill, namely clause 16, under which the Secretary for the Environment (MFE) and the Government Statistician can veto release of information to be used in an environmental report.Submission of the Ombudsman - Prisoners' and Victims' (Continuation and Reform) Amendment Bill
SubmissionsWe are concerned that the victims’ claims scheme, which the Bill makes permanent, provides neither a suitable way to compensate victims of crime nor a suitable way to prevent abuse or mistreatment of prisoners in accordance with New Zealand’s international obligations.Submission of the Ombudsmen - Education Amendment Bill
SubmissionsThis submission relates to clause 158X of the Education Amendment Bill currently before the Education and Science Committee.Submission of the Ombudsmen - Mixed Ownership Model Bill
SubmissionsOur submission concerns clauses 6 and 7 of the Mixed Ownership Model (MOM) Bill, which remove the MOM companies from being subject to the OA and OIA. These Acts are important accountability mechanisms that currentlySubmission of the Ombudsmen - Corrections Amendment Bill
SubmissionsWe had a limited opportunity to comment on the draft Corrections Amendment Bill (the Bill) and some amendments were made as a consequence of our submissions. However, there remain other matters which concern us.Submission of the Ombudsmen - the Public's Right to Know
SubmissionsThe Ombudsman's submission on the Law Commission's Issues Paper 18 The Public’s Right to Know: A Review of the Official Information Act 1982 and Parts 1-6 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987