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More information about the resource categories on this page
Commonly used guides include:
- The OIA for Ministers and agencies
- The LGOIMA for local government agencies
- Making official information requests: a guide for requesters
Detailed guidance on the official information legislation and aspects of good administrative practice.
We also have guidance on disability rights and protected disclosures.
Case notes and opinions
Case notes are a short case summary, often demonstrating an aspect of a case.
An Ombudsman's Opinion is published where there is public interest in showing the full details of a case.
Reports include OPCAT, disability rights, official information practice and systemic investigation.
Contains our media releases, newsletters, pamphlets, speeches and fact sheets. Fact sheets are published in multiple language and accessible formats.
Corporate documents
This includes our annual reports and strategic intentions.
Projects, reference and data
This includes our official information complaints data, updates on investigations and other projects, and submissions by the Ombudsman.
View all projects, reference and data
Template letters and work sheets
These template letters and work sheets can be used by agencies to help respond to official information requests.
63 Resources Show all
International Development and Engagement Strategy (January 2024 – June 2026)
Strategic intentionsThis updated International Development and Engagement (IDE) strategy guides the international work of the Ombudsman from January 2024 to June 2026. It builds on the first IDE strategy, which ran from July 2020 to December 2023.Chief Ombudsman's Annual Report 2023/2024
Annual reportsNavigating the path in a time of change and uncertainty can be difficult. Holding fast to your core purpose and values is vital. So too, is lighting the way for others where you can.Chief Ombudsman's Annual Report 2022/2023
Annual reportsThis year I have intensified my efforts to reach out to diverse communities around New Zealand. I have also continued my work to help lift good practices across government. This balance between the public and government is an important part of my independent role as an Officer of Parliament, and the need for me to reach out to both has become even more evident in current times.Chief Ombudsman's Strategic Intentions - 2023 to 2028
Strategic intentionsI will maintain and strive to continually improve my existing practices in the areas of complaints-handling, proactive interventions, examination of places of detention, disability rights, and provision of agency learning and advice.Chief Ombudsman's Strategic Intentions - 2022 to 2027
Strategic intentionsAs Aotearoa New Zealand’s Ombudsman, I give effect to a number of key democratic and human rights measures aimed at safeguarding the rights of people and promoting government accountability and transparency.Chief Ombudsman's Annual Report 2021/2022
Annual reportsWatch the introduction in New Zealand Sign LanguageInaugural Pūhara Mana Tangata report for 2020/2021
Annual reportsThe Chief Ombudsman’s Māori panel – Pūhara Mana Tangata – has published a report of its first two years in operation.Annual Report 2020/2021
Annual reportsThe global COVID-19 pandemic has continued to dominate our lives in the past year, creating new challenges for us all.Strategic intentions 2021-26
Strategic intentionsAs Aotearoa New Zealand’s Ombudsman, I give effect to a number of key democratic and human rights measures aimed at safeguarding the rights of individuals and promoting government accountability and transparency.Research: Access to government information (2021)
Corporate informationIn September 2021, the Ombudsman New Zealand commissioned a research agency, UMR, to undertake a nationwide online survey of 1,005 New Zealanders aged 18 years and over, to gauge awareness of the Official Information Act (OIA) and Local Government OfficInternational Development and Engagement Strategy (July 2020 – December 2023)
Strategic intentionsThe International Development and Engagement Strategy has been developed to guide the international work of the Ombudsman from July 2020 to December 2023.Annual Report 2019/20
Annual reportsCOVID-19. The pandemic which swept the world in 2020 is undoubtedly the defining event of the past year. It has further defined the role of Ombudsman.Pūhara Mana Tangata Terms of Reference
Advisory groupsThese documents outline the terms of reference for Pūhara Mana Tangata, the Chief Ombudsman's Māori panel.Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral cooperation between Ombudsman Thailand and the Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand
Protocols with agenciesOn 11 February 2020 the Office of the Ombudsman Thailand and the Chief Ombudsman signed a Memorandum of Understanding, in the interest of fostering international cooperation in the field of complaint-handling, good governance, protection of human rightsAnnual Report 2018/2019
Annual reportsIt was a busy year. A very busy year. Using almost all measures, the level of our work increased, yet our results were, overall, very pleasing.Strategic Intentions 2019/2023
Corporate information, Strategic intentionsOur Strategic Intentions document sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.Annual Report 2017/2018
Annual reportsIn the past year, we have made some excellent progress in key areas, none more so than by clearing our backlog of complaints, a bugbear both for us and the public. We have been quicker and more efficient in resolving complaints, but with no reduction in the quality or efficacy of our work. Specific cases we have dealt with this year are contained in this report, and they showcase the breadth and depth of the work we are tasked to undertake.Strategic Intentions 2018/2022
Strategic intentionsOur Strategic Intentions document sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.Annual Report 2016/2017
Annual reportsIn 2016/17 we achieved 700 remedies for New Zealanders—‘remedy’ being the legal term for a solution to a problem. This is an increase of 20 percent on the previous year, one of many positive figures in this year’s Annual Report. We also had 149 recommendations for improvement in places of detention accepted.Updated agreement with the Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections
Protocols with agenciesThis updated agreement signed in August 2017 underpins the work of our agencies to ensure the humane treatment of people in legal custody.Strategic Intentions 2017/2021
Strategic intentionsOur Strategic Intentions document sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.OIA strategy 2016/2020
Strategic intentionsThis document lays out our strategy for working with the Official Information Act.Annual Report 2015/2016 - full report
Annual reportsWe have already begun to make great strides in the 2015/16 reporting year. Despite overall intake once again increasing, we completed 7% more work than last year and finished the year with 11% less work on hand than at the same time last year. Our overall net clearance rate for complaints was 105%, meaning that we closed 178 more complaints than we received, and so started to make significant inroads into our backlog of aged complaints.Annual Report 2015/2016 - at a glance
Annual reportsThis document shows our Annual Report for 2015/2016 at a glance.Strategic Intentions 2016/2020
Strategic intentionsOur Strategic Intentions document sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.Annual Report 2014/2015 - at a glance
Annual reportsThis document shows our Annual Report for 2014/2015 at a glance.Annual Report 2014/2015 - full report
Annual reportsBy 2006 it was becoming clear that we could not sustain the business model we were then operating and the late John Belgrave, then Chief Ombudsman, challenged us to reflect on the theme “Where is the Office Going?” So we began what has seemed like a long journey to modernise the Office.Statement of Intent 2015/19
Strategic intentionsThis statement of intent sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.Annual Report 2013/2014 - at a glance
Annual reportsThis document shows our Annual Report for 2013/2014 at a glance.Annual Report 2013/2014 - full report
Annual reportsThis year we have begun to reap the benefits of the additional resources granted to us by Parliament for the 2013/14 year onwards, which has enabled us to appoint additional staff to progress the amount of work we are receiving.Statement of Intent 2014/18
Strategic intentionsThis statement of intent sets out the nature and scope of our functions, the strategic direction of our organisation, what we are hoping to achieve, and some key measures.Annual Report 2012/2013 at a glance
Annual reportsThis document shows our Annual Report for 2012/2013 at a glance.