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Commonly used guides include:
- The OIA for Ministers and agencies
- The LGOIMA for local government agencies
- Making official information requests: a guide for requesters
Detailed guidance on the official information legislation and aspects of good administrative practice.
We also have guidance on disability rights and protected disclosures.
Case notes and opinions
Case notes are a short case summary, often demonstrating an aspect of a case.
An Ombudsman's Opinion is published where there is public interest in showing the full details of a case.
Reports include OPCAT, disability rights, official information practice and systemic investigation.
Contains our media releases, newsletters, pamphlets, speeches and fact sheets. Fact sheets are published in multiple language and accessible formats.
Corporate documents
This includes our annual reports and strategic intentions.
Projects, reference and data
This includes our official information complaints data, updates on investigations and other projects, and submissions by the Ombudsman.
View all projects, reference and data
Template letters and work sheets
These template letters and work sheets can be used by agencies to help respond to official information requests.
22 Resources Show all
Factsheet: Ombudsman role with Oranga Tamariki care or custody providers
FactsheetsUnder the law, the Ombudsman is able to receive complaints about the support and services provided by care and custody providers. The Ombudsman also has a role to provide guidance to care and custody providers on managing the complaints they receive.When to contact the Ombudsman about natural disaster insurance complaints
FactsheetsToka Tu Ake EQC provides natural disaster damage insurance for residential buildings and some residential land.Our children in care complaint process – adult view
FactsheetsThis diagram shows how to make a complaint about Oranga Tamariki or one of its Care or Custody Providers.Our children in care complaint process – child view
FactsheetsThis diagram shows a simplified view of our complaints process, which is designed for children and young people in the Oranga Tamariki system.Getting ready - Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Act implementation
FactsheetsThe Ombudsman is committed to being in a stronger position to consider complaints, investigate and monitor serious and significant issues. Read this factsheet to see how the Ombudsman has prepared for this role.Factsheet: Chief Ombudsman’s role examining and monitoring aged care facilities
FactsheetsNew Zealand has made an international commitment to make sure detained people are being treated in the right way and are living in a humane environment.Information for residents' point of contact: Upcoming inspection by the Chief Ombudsman’s team
FactsheetsA letter to residents of aged care facilities where the Chief Ombudsman is carrying out an inspection.OPCAT aged care monitoring programme
FactsheetsInvestigation framework: Administration of the Managed Isolation Allocation System by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment – Hīkina Whakatutuki
FactsheetsThe Chief Ombudsman has started a broad investigation into the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment – Hīkina Whakatutuki (MBIE)’s administration of the Managed Isolation Allocation System (MIAS).Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ)
FactsheetsThis fact sheet focuses on complaints about MBIE’s acts and decisions that affect people in relation to MIQ.Legal framework for Chief Ombudsman’s inspections of health & disability facilities
FactsheetsInspecting places of detention helps to ensure that people who are deprived of their liberty are treated humanely, and their rights are protected and restored.Info sheet for detainees in MIQ facilities
FactsheetsThis information sheet is for people detained in a managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facility and sets out what is involved in an inspection by the Chief Ombudsman.OPCAT: Ombudsman and IPCA are visiting court facilities
OPCAT, FactsheetsOmbudsman and IPCA are visiting court facilities Update: August 2020Upcoming OPCAT inspection by Chief Ombudsman’s team
FactsheetsInformation for residents of a facility that is being inspected, and their family and whanau.Expectations for OPCAT COVID-19 Inspections
FactsheetsPurpose Inspecting places of detention helps to ensure that people who are deprived of their liberty are treated humanely, and their rights are respected and protected.Orientation visits: First step in developing aged care inspections programme
FactsheetsOur first step in developing our new inspections programme is to familiarise ourselves with privately-run aged care facilities.Fact sheet: Aged care monitoring
FactsheetsThis fact sheet sets out why the Ombudsman is monitoring privately-run aged care facilities, and how the monitoring will differ from existing audits and reviews.Fact sheet: Accident Compensation Corporation
FactsheetsThis fact sheet explains the Ombudsman's role in relation to complaints made against the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). Also available in Easy Read format.Fact sheet: Earthquake Commission
FactsheetsThis fact sheet explains the Ombudsman's role in relation to complaints made against the Earthquake Commission (EQC). Also available in Easy Read format.Fact sheet: Immigration New Zealand
FactsheetsThis fact sheet explains the Ombudsman's role in relation to complaints made against Immigration New Zealand. Also available in Easy Read format.Fact sheet: Inland Revenue Department
FactsheetsThis fact sheet explains the Ombudsman's role in relation to complaints made against the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). Also available in Easy Read format.Fact sheet: Work and Income
FactsheetsThis fact sheet explains the Ombudsman's role in relation to complaints made against Work and Income. Also available in Easy Read format.